martes, mayo 7, 2024

In The Spotlight – Wide Open



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PICTURE THIS: You’re behind the wheel of a $100,000+ purpose-built off-road racecar driving at 70 mph over some of the most challenging yet exciting terrain in North America. Suddenly, a small ridge is approaching fast and you feel a rush of adrenaline as you hit the throttle and lift off, soaring through the air like a professional Baja racer. As you revel in the incredible gravity-defying moment, you peer over the front of the open- wheeled buggy to see the ground rapidly approaching. You’re committed now; there’s no time to ponder the landing. For those of us in the racing world, this view of Baja is a common experience, though it never gets old.

Wide Open has been leading tours of Baja from the seats of their Baja Challenge cars since 1997. And Wide Open Baja tours aren’t a run of the mill convoy type tour, nor are they for the faint of heart. After a brief orientation course, tour guests get behind the wheel of their own Baja Challenge car and tour the Baja Peninsula at speeds with which they are comfortable. Want to drive Baja at 70+ mph? Do it. Not comfortable at that kind of speed? That’s fine, too. At Wide Open every tour is led by an experienced guide who knows the terrain, knows the vehicles and knows when to stop and let tour members catch up. Whether you have a few hours or a few days, Wide Open Baja has a tour to fit your needs with two destination options.

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