domingo, mayo 5, 2024

Giving Back


Giving Back



By International Community Foundation – Sergio G. Haro, Translated by Cynthia Durán
This year, the world has been invaded by a threat that does not come from an alien culture or supernatural beings. Our planet faces a pandemic that continues to infect, kill and cause harm in so many ways that it appears to be a mythological creature. One of its lethal weapons is the economic damage it has done to the entire world’s population, bringing scarcity and hunger. Thousands of people have lost their jobs in Los Cabos and a large number of businesses were forced to close.Faced with this formidable enemy, one who can be named COVID-19, heroes have emerged just as extraordinary and not from books or movies but where the true heroes are: among ordinary people, among people who do not currently have any jobs or are uncertain if their businesses will reopen. Among men, women, youth and the elderly. Among that mix that makes our community. All united by this land in which they were born or adopted but which we all call home: Los Cabos.Every day we celebrate doctors, nurses and first responders, who risk their lives to save those who are suffering from the coronavirus and whom the International Community Foundation (ICF) supports through grants it is giving to different organizations (to date, it has awarded more than a million dollars in grants to local nonprofits for food security, medical supplies, and hygiene products to local community members for its COVID-19 response).There are other heroes who also risk their lives and suffer from this battle every day: a team of superheroes that walks the streets of Los Cabos carrying pantry bags to distribute. Just as in Tolkien’s imagination, a group of different races come together to perform a feat that seemed impossible, the ICF team has joined hundreds of people who belong to social organizations, employees and entrepreneurs, elements of the armed forces and law enforcement, and citizens in general which have helped form as epic alliance: the BCS Community Alliance.Overcoming their own fears of being infected, these men and women travel dusty roads day by day, wearing mouthguards and gloves as shields and pantries as lances and swords. There are no military banners and there is no flag for this alliance other than that of fraternity and solidarity. There are smiles even with their mouths covered that help create satisfaction in the soul of knowing that hundreds of Mexican mothers and fathers will be able to bring food to the table of their families. Therefore, they carry out this work without regret.But even when this alliance becomes powerful, it also requires a huge supply and they need your help. To make a contribution, please visit:



Cabo Missions for Christ has been running a Covid-19 Feeding program since March 23 and has delivered around 400 despensas to those in need each week. They are operational year-round, but it’s times like these where it is extremely important to come together as a community and take care of each other. They are so thankful for all the people that have already come together to help those in need. If you would like to help continue this feeding program, donations can be dropped off at Mailboxes Cabo in Plaza Pioneers, or monetary donations can be sent through their website CaboMissions. For more information about the organization, you can visit their Facebook page for daily updates:


The goal with Despensas for Defensas is to stay ahead of the curve in Los Cabos and prevent the possibly of this global crisis turning into a desperate situation for people who have been out of work for too long and families who literally live day by day. They invite you to create your own despensas (bag of essential survival items) that they will deliver to local families in need. Visit www. for a list of items that can be included. All despensas can be dropped off at Sancho Panza restaurant ( between 10am-3pm daily except for Sunday. They are also looking for volunteers to help safely distribute the despensas to the community.


Heart4Cabo was created as a support- group for people related to Cabo that need prayer or have any immediate or special upcoming needs. They believe it’s important to collectively work together as one large heart, especially during thing time of Coronavirus when so many families are without work and in need. Support Heart4Cabo through any of these methods: Venmo (no fees) – Heart4Cabo, Paypal through donation link at, or reoccurring or one time donation at (donations are tax deductible through a 501C3 if desired).

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